Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)

Green Curved Line
Green Curved Line

The significant production run shall be from 1 hour to 8 hours of  production. Also quantity produced can be a minimum of 300 consecutive  parts or as specified by the customer

Green Curved Line

18 Elements of PPAP : 

1. Design Record 2. Engineering Change Documents 3. Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis

Green Curved Line

18 Elements of PPAP : 

4. Process Flow Diagram 5. Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis 6. Dimension Result  ( Inspection Report)

Green Curved Line

18 Elements of PPAP : 

7. Measurement System Analysis 8. Control Plan 9. Material Test Record

Green Curved Line

18 Elements of PPAP : 

10. Initial Process Study (SPC) 11. Qualified Laboratory Documents 12. Appearance Approval Report

Green Curved Line

18 Elements of PPAP : 

13. Sample production parts 14. Master sample 15. Checking aids

Green Curved Line

18 Elements of PPAP : 

16. Customer Specific Requirements 17. Material Performance Test 18. Parts Submission Warrant

Green Curved Line

For more detail about all 18 elements : Click the link below