Red Bin Analysis

Burst with Arrow

Red bin analysis is to segregate and verify the defects occurring on  production lines including inspection lines on a daily basis

Rejection Analysis

Burst with Arrow

 To understand the defects & do root cause analysis and take countermeasures action as early as possible


Burst with Arrow

If we do not do red bin analysis then customer complaints will increase and COPQ will increase.

Red Bin Analysis Sheet

In red bin analysis sheet, we do recording of rejection on daily basis

Red Bin Attendance Sheet

In this sheet attendance is marked of all the CFT member on daily basis while doing red bin meeting

Red Bin Analysis Steps

– Put all defective parts in the red bin when detected. – Do red marking on the defective parts for defects.

Red Bin Analysis Steps

– Red Bin should be placed near to operators in the shop. – Put an identification tag on defective parts For all steps click the below link:-

Countermeasure Action

Take countermeasure action on top 3 defects as per Pareto chart for all defects in each month. 

Station Clock

Countermeasure Action

Do standardization and horizontal deployment also.

Cast Iron Pan