Corporate Responsibility Policies as per IATF 16949

Corporate policy

The organization shall define and implement corporate responsibility policies. Below are the minimum three corporate responsibility policies that any company should define and implement as a part of their quality management system as per IATF 16949. Corporate Responsibility The organization shall define and implement corporate responsibility policies, including at a minimum anti-bribery policy, an … Read more

Outsource process and service procedure

Outsource Process

Purpose : To ensure that the outsource process and service conform to the specified requirements. Scope : All outsourced processes and services Responsibility : Head of QA, Stores, Purchase, New Part Development and Production are responsible for outsourcing activities and Top Management approval required for the selection of suppliers. Procedure : Identified outsourced processes & … Read more

New management review check points as per IATF standard

Management review

Management review of the organization QMS at planned intervals will be done by top management. Management review is done to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and alignment with the strategic direction of the organization. Input /checkpoints to be discussed during MRM: Below is the IATF Management Review Checklist: 1. Status of actions from previous … Read more

Calibration procedure for measuring instruments


Purpose : The purpose of the calibration procedure is to ensure that all measuring, test equipment and gauges are maintained in a suitable state and remain capable of measuring to the required accuracy. Scope : The applicability of this procedure is for calibration of all monitoring and measuring equipment and gauges used for monitoring/measuring product … Read more

Temporary change of process control procedure as per IATF 16949

Temporary change of process control

Purpose : To establish a procedure for a temporary change of process control and to ensure that temporary changes are implemented in a planned and controlled manner. Scope : Applicable to all production processes. Responsibility : The head QA is responsible for controlling this activity. Procedure : Temporary Process Control List : Head QA maintains … Read more