How to close IATF audit NC | IATF Non-Conformities

To close IATF non-conformities received from the IATF auditor, upload the JSON file in the NC Cara portal. The full form of CARA in IATF is Common Audit Report Application. This is the application on the IATF Global oversight website. There are a total of 7 steps for closing the IATF non-conformity on the NC CARA portal.

NC CARA Portal for IATF Non- Conformity

7 steps to close the IATF audit Non-Conformity on the NC CARA Portal:

S1: Correction (Containment) action, including timing and responsible person

In this step define the containment actions to close the non-conformity given by the auditor. Also define the responsible person and the Target date.

S2: Evidence of implementation

In this step describe the containment action taken as described in Step 1 to close the non-conformity.

S3: Root Cause Analysis

In this section do why why analysis to find out the root cause of the problem. Also attach the Root cause analysis pdf file.

S4: Root cause result

In this step write about the final root cause of the non-conformity. The final root cause should be systematic. Also attach the root cause result pdf file.

S5: Systemic corrective actions, including timing and responsible person

In this step define the systematic corrective actions so that the non-conformity will not repeat. Systematic corrective action is defined in documents such as Quality procedures, work instructions etc. Also define the responsibility and target date for the corrective actions.

S6: Evidence of implementation

In this step describe the systematic corrective actions which are defined in Step 5. Also attach the pdf file of the systematic corrective action.

S7: Action taken to verify the effective implementation of corrective actions

In this step write about the actions to verify the effective implementation of corrective actions taken. Also attach the pdf file of verification. Generally, an internal audit is done to verify the corrective action for the non-conformity. In last do, MRM also to inform the top management about the closure of all non-conformities.


IATF NC Closure Examples:

Statement of nonconformity

The Process of Purchase was not found to be fully effective.

Requirement as per IATF 16949:

Supplier Monitoring ( The organization shall have a documented process and criteria to evaluate supplier performance to ensure conformity of externally provided products, processes, and services to internal and external customer requirements. At a minimum, the following supplier performance indicators shall be monitored:

  • delivered product conformity to requirements;
  • customer disruptions at the receiving plant, including yard holds and stop ships;
  • delivery schedule performance;
  • special status customer notifications related to quality or delivery issues;
  • dealer returns, warranty, field actions, and recalls.

Objective evidence

During the audit observed supplier performance was not found monitored for the RM supplier…………..

Justification for classification

Isolated gap, the concerned person was found aware, 5 other samples were checked and found ok, with no impact on delivery, hence minor

Step NoStep DescriptionClosure Evidence
S1Correction (Containment) action, including timing and responsible personRaw material supplier performance monitoring sheet to be updated and sent to the supplier by Mr……….. on Date………..
S2Evidence of implementation
Raw material Supplier Performance Rating Sheet prepared.
Evidence of implementation fileRM Supplier Performance Rating pdf
S3Root Cause Analysis

Why-01: RM Supplier performance monitoring not done
Why-02: Customer approved RM supplier monitoring not done
Why-03: In the procedure about Raw Material Supplier performance monitoring is not defined.
Why-04: Supplier development procedure not effective.
Does the root cause impact other similar processes or products?Yes
Please describe how the root cause impacts other processes.Other parts quality received from other suppliers will not be good
Root cause analysis filesRoot cause analysis files pdf
S4Root cause resultSupplier development procedure is not effective
Root cause result filesRoot cause analysis result files pdf
S5Systemic corrective actions, including timing and responsible personSupplier development procedure to be updated by Mr……….. on Date …………
Corrective action filesSupplier development procedure pdf
S6Evidence of implementationPerformance monitoring starts for Raw material suppliers
Supplier development procedure updated
Evidence of implementation fileSupplier development procedure. pdf
Performance monitoring for Raw material suppliers xx. pdf
S7Action taken to verify the effective implementation of corrective actionsVerify by Internal Audit Check sheet Cum Observation Report and found OK
Verify effective implementation of corrective action filesInternal Audit Observation Report pdf

IATF NC closure examples 2:

Statement of nonconformity

The Process of quality assurance was not found fully effective.

Requirement as per IATF 16949:

Measurement System Analysis ( Statistical studies shall be conducted to analyze the variation present in the results of each type of inspection, measurement, and test equipment system identified in the control plan. The analytical methods and acceptance criteria used shall conform to those in reference manuals on measurement systems analysis. Other analytical methods and acceptance criteria may be used if approved by the customer. Records of customer acceptance of alternative methods shall be retained along with results from alternative measurement systems analysis (see Section

Objective evidence

MSA was not evident for the visual inspection at final inspection stage for the part no Nut Weld for the visual defects-like as dent…

Justification for classification

isolated gap, the concerned person found aware, that Poison testing was done as per customer requirement, no impact on the product & customer, hence minor

Step NoStep DescriptionClosure Evidence
S1Correction (Containment) action, including timing and responsible personAttribute MSA for visual defects for Part xx by Mr……… on Date…..
S2Evidence of implementation
Attribute MSA for visual defects for Part xx prepared
Evidence of implementation fileAttribute MSA for Visual defects for Part xx pdf
S3Root Cause Analysis

Why 01: MSA not done for visual inspection for the visual defect.
Why 02: MSA about visual defects not defined.
Why 03: MSA Plan about visual inspection for visual defects not made.
Why 04: In MSA procedure, not defined about MSA Plan for visual defects.
Does the root cause impact other similar processes or products?Yes
Please describe how the root cause impacts other processes.The Capability of an inspector for visual defects for other parts can not be verified. so that it is required for a similar process or product.
Root cause analysis filesWhy why analysis.pdf
S4Root cause resultThe MSA procedure is not defined about an MSA Plan for visual defects.
Root cause result filesWhy why analysis.pdf
S5Systemic corrective actions, including timing and responsible personMSA Procedure to be updated by Mr………. on Date…………
MSA Attributes plan for Visual Defects to be prepared by Mr………… on Date…………
Corrective action filesCorrective action file. pdf
S6Evidence of implementationMSA Procedure updated
MSA Attributes Plan for Visual Defects prepared
Evidence of implementation filesMSA Procedure.pdf
Attribute MSA Plan for visual defects.pdf
S7Action taken to verify the effective implementation of corrective actionsVerify the corrective action by Internal Audit Check sheet Cum Observation Report and found OK
Verify effective implementation of corrective action filesInternal Audit observation report.pdf

IATF Closure Time:

In case of minor nonconformity then IATF NC Closure time is within a maximum of 60 calendar days from the closing meeting of the site audit. If a major nonconformity, then the certification body shall conduct an onsite special audit for the verification of the corrective action. Time to complete the special audit within a maximum of 90 calendar days from the closing meeting of the site audit. In any doubt about closing the Non-Conformity, please feel free to message me.

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