Process Scope
This process is applicable for maintaining a system for timely receipt, storage and issue of materials from Stores and on-time delivery of products to the customer as per their requirement.
Process Owner
Process description
Handling of BOP/Raw Material:
- Receive the material along with the challan/Bill at the “Receipt area” and verify it for any shortage/ excess.
- Generate Material Receipt note (MRN).
- Inform QA team for material quality and disposition of material as accepted/rejected on the bill.
- If found OK, store the items in their respective locations/ bins/ racks and maintain the stock. If found rejected, identify the rejected material and return it to the supplier.
- Material is stored in-store at a pre-identified location. The material is packed to protect it from loss and damage and to meet customer requirements.
- The material to be preserved by appropriate methods to prevent deterioration. The products are loaded/unloaded properly to prevent injury to any person or loss or damage of products.
- Use necessary handling equipment like bins, trolleys, trays, racks, etc., to avoid any injury to persons or damage to the products.
- Place each item separately in racks so that there is no mixing.
- Identify the perishable items & maintain a list of such items and ensure that perishable items are used before they expire if required.
- Re inspects all the items whose shelf life has expired before those products are disposed of.
Colour coding of Raw Material
- Do colour coding of Raw material as per colour coding Work instruction.
- In colour coding WI, there will be defined colours for different materials.
- So there will be less chance of material mixing after colour coding.
Issue of Raw Material/ BOP Components to Production
- Receive a Requisition slip from the production department daily for R/M & BOP.
- Issue BOP & other items to the user department & update records.
Issue of Raw Material/Components for Job Work
- Receive requests from the concerned user department for sending the material for job work, if any.
- Prepare a returnable challan for job work materials. Take receipt of material after job work after verification of material by QA.
FIFO Board Update
- Update FIFO Board daily at a defined time and during material issue and receiving situations.
- If there is any old lot left, then that lot should be used first. Mark that lot as ‘Use me first‘
- The fresh lot should be marked as ‘Use me second‘
Handling Rejection:
- Receive line rejection/scrap material & verify the items and quantity.
- Update the rejection record.
- Storage of material at a pre-defined location and disposal as decided by management.
- Do red colour on the location and provide a defined rejection tag.
Inventory Management
- Review the consumption pattern of material, lead time of procurement, Cost of material, fluctuation in customer requirement, cost of finished product & availability/space in store.
- Prepare a stock statement report (monthly) considering:
- Raw material in incoming store
- Finished goods.
- Review & compare the status of stock w.r.t. inventory norms. Identify the deviations if any. Decide the minimum order quantity & calculate the inventory turnover ratio (ITR) to monitor and optimize inventory level.
- Receive dispatch schedule by mail/phone and ensure proper identification of the products (marking / labeling/tagging etc.) before dispatch.
- Pack the products as per customer-specified packing standards.
- NPD part packed as per defined packing standard discussion with development in charge
- Dispatch the material as per the schedule.
NPD Parts Handling:
- NPD part is put in a separate defined location in the store where the NPD part should be deployed on the FIFO board
- Inventory control separately of NPD part during the received material inform to NPD In charge.