MSIL Audit checklist is a 19-point sheet that is used to do system audits at Tier 2 vendors. There are 19 clauses in this checksheet. There are 5 critical clauses in this check sheet. It is compulsory to pass in critical clauses. Overall 60% are required to pass this MSIL/MACE audit.
Production Preparation/New Product Development
Regulation of Initial Production Control
Change Management
Standard Management
Education and Training
Quality Audit and Process verification
Supplier Control
Handling abnormality in quality
5S Management
Equipment and Inspection Equipment Management
Implementation of Standard
Product Management
Handling Management
Critical Parts Management
Adequate Testing Facility
Process audit
Scale and top management bandwidth
Legal Compliance and Environment
Critical clauses in VSA Audit:
List of critical clauses in the VSA audit for Tier 2vendors
List of critical clauses in the VSA audit for Tier 1vendors
Change Management
Education and Training
Handling abnormality in Quality
Equipment and Inspection Equipment Management
Supplier Control
Clause 1: Production Preparation/ New Product Development
Check Point
Do you define the procedure for Product development including the following? -scope of parts, responsibility of each department, control contents/items?
Do you implement follow-up to control the schedule and progress of production preparation items? Incl top management
Do you consider the following items and implement corrective and preventive action to the processes and standards before regular production? -Troubles in the past; -Defect items expected; -Defect items unable to capture at customer; -Defect items difficult to repair.
Do you prevent defects by quality-improving activities of cross-function teams to evaluate quality performance?
Clause 2: Initial Production Control
Check Points
Do you define the following items related to initial production control by standards? -controlled parts; -controlled items; -inspection method, -initial production control period, a person who announces the start/end of initial production control, -finish condition.
How do you define items that require special control during initial production control? Do you set stricter inspection methods than ordinary inspection?
Do you control initial parts separately and make quality records about them? (both internal and outsourced processes are included)
Clause 4: Standard Management
Check Points
Do you make and review process control standards, Inspection specifications and Operation instructions for all products that are shipped to SMC / MSIL / Tier 1?
Do you have consistency to keep process control standards, inspection specifications, operation inspection and parameter chart?
Clause 5: Education and Training
Check Points
Do you clarify the department in charge of promoting quality education and implementing education based on the annual plan? Are records of education kept?
Do you define and implement the skill evaluation of the operator to determine whether the operator can work without surveillance? (e.g. acceptable level/evaluation frequency/evaluation method)
Do you periodically monitor the skills of certified operators and follow up to improve their skills?
Do you define clearly what is an abnormal situation and make operators know the definition?
Do you clarify and standardize the handling rules/routes for customer claims, in-process failure and supplier failure?
Do you reflect corrective action to improve process control and review of standards?
Do you prevent the recurrence of issues by analyzing the cause of occurring defects based on process investigation results such as 5-why analysis?
Do you reflect corrective action to improve of process control and review of standards?
After corrective action, do you conduct an on-site check-up and evaluate the effectiveness? And horizontal deployment.
Clause No 9: 5S Management
Check Points
Do you keep store material, work-in-process, finished products, inventory and containers at appropriate storage prevented from dust, rust, scratch, deformation and rainwater?
Do you control material, work-in-process and finished product by designated location, volume and standard using visual control?
Do you implement inspection or critical operation under a properly controlled environment luminance /temperature/humidity/vibration/noise/work table etc.)?
Do you keep the condition of production equipment, jigs and tools properly?
Do you keep the condition of inspection equipment properly to ensure accuracy?
Do you use easy expressions (visualizer, onomatopoeia etc.) for operation instructions? So that the operator can easily understand the process and critical points.
Do you keep operation instructions on an accessible place and post important quality points and critical operation points on a place where operators can see it easily?
Do you regularly monitor that each operator operates according to the operation instructions?
Is it possible to judge OK/NG specifically by each check sheet (of daily equipment check, quality control report, etc.) you use?
Clause No 12: Product Management
Check Points
Do you keep FIFO (first-in first-out) of finished products and work-in-process (material, reserve parts? by using an identification tag or lot indication?
Do you control follows production history by product lot numbers? -production date; -production volume; -shipping date
Do you control the identification of similar parts separately?
Do you control the identification of non-confirming parts and parts on hold? Do you store them separately?
Regarding repaired non-conforming parts and parts on hold to re-use, do you define responsibility to implement? Are repair records kept?
Clause No 13: Handling Management
Check Points
Do you make arrangements with customers about the packing style & transportation system to prevent damage during the handling of finished products & perform accordingly?
Do you have a system to maintain Bins /Trolleys in Good Condition?
Clause No 14: Critical Parts Management
S. No
Check Points
Do you have Special checks/Inspections for the Maru A parameters of the Maru A part are available?
Do you have the Identification of Maru A Process/Operator on the Shop Floor?
Do you keep the repair history when repairing & using Maru A items?
Does the supplier have all Testing Equipment/Rigs required as per drawing requirements
Does the Supplier have trained manpower to operate these inspection and testing instruments?
Does the Supplier has trained manpower to operate these inspection and testing instruments?
Clause No 16: Process Audit
S. No
Check Points
Conduct process audit as per process control standard (Control Plan)
Closure of all the observations
Clause No 17: Scale and Top Management Bandwidth
Check Points
Do you have adequate organization structure and defined roles/ responsibilities for key areas such as Plant Head, Quality, Production, Safety and Maintenance?
How frequently Top management visit the shop floor? How frequently does Top Management monitor key performance KPI (Performance at the customer end, in-house quality, productivity, maintenance, safety etc.)?
Plant Sales Turnover for the auditee plant. Group Turnover
Is shop floor temperature, noise level and air quality (fumes) ok? Is the layout and escape route on the shop floor OK? Is Rest Area/Toilets Available? Is area/machine sufficient enough to allow easy movement of machines and tools?
Are Safety Standards made (as per process requirement) and taught to all operators? Are PPEs available as per the standards or not?
Machine Safety system (Door sensors etc.) available or not? Is Safety in material movement and tools ensured or not?
Are safety standards followed on the shop floor as per the procedure? Are usage of PPES adhered and monitored (by supervisor/senior) on the shop floor? Accident reporting mechanism is defined? Countermeasures against accidents taken and periodic verification being done?
Audit Conducted by a reputed 3rd party on MSIL defined check sheet?
Clause No 19: Legal Compliance and Environment
Check Points
Consent to operate (Valid as on date) available or not?
Enrolment of all employees for ESI & PF
Are different types of wastes identified on the shop floor and standards/ Procedures made? Is Segregation done at the source for different types of waste? Storage and disposal being done as per consent and periodic confirmation at the disposal stage?