To understand clearly what abnormality & abnormal situations and to make operators understand abnormality & abnormal situations and to further standardize the rules & routes to handle such situations. To learn about handling abnormality in quality.
An abnormal situation is where a process variable goes outside its operating range and may tend to an emergency if not controlled by an appropriate response/action.
An abnormal situation in manufacturing refers to an unexpected event or deviation from normal operating conditions that can lead to reduced productivity, increased costs, or even safety hazards. Examples of abnormal situations in manufacturing include equipment failures, power failures, natural disasters, human errors, and changes in demand or supply. These situations can cause disruptions in the production process and require a quick and effective response to minimize their impact on manufacturing operations.
List of Abnormal Situation and their Reaction Plan
Production Head/ Shift In-charge
Handling complaints from Customer
Quality In-charge
Handling in-process complaint
Quality In-charge
Handling abnormality of supplier
Quality In-charge
Procedure :
Abnormal Situation Handling:
Abnormal situations define and display process-wise in Shop floors (Press Shop, Weld Shop, Machine shop etc) as per work instructions.
The production supervisor informs the concerned person & after that identifies the root cause & analysis is done about the issue/situation. After that Production supervisor/ Quality Engineer shall record the abnormal situation in the 4’M Change tracking sheet.
The operator/concerned person identifies the abnormal situation, stops production & immediately informs to the Production supervisor for further action.
List of abnormal situations in the manufacturing industry:
Abnormal situation examples:
A machine producing defective parts continuously
Repeated breakage of production equipment (m/c, tool & fixture)
The operator produces defective parts continuously
The operator detects defects produced by the previous process
Poka Yoke does not detect defective parts ( Poka Yoke not working)
As soon as the customer raises the complaint (by email/telephone), Record it in the customer complaint register. Inform the concerned persons including top management.
Check all available stock (FG, WIP and Customer-end) for the raised complaint
Make the operators aware of the In-house/Customer complaint. Display a one-point lesson (Quality alert note), if possible within the period.
Analyze the root cause of the problem with the cross-functional team (CFT), take required countermeasures, and submit an action plan within one week in a customer-required format. (DAR/CAPA format or customer-approved format)
Standardize the related documents like FMEA, Control Plan, Operation standard & WI etc against the countermeasure.
Check the effectiveness of countermeasures for up to three months.
Check the feasibility of horizontal deployment of countermeasures in similar parts/processes after verification of countermeasure effectiveness.
In case the problem repeats then again why-why analysis done for the same defect
Handling in-process Complaints:
Put a Red bin near each machine to store Non-conforming parts. QC Inspector shall identify part defect during a patrol inspection. Then Non-Conforming part is moved to the Red Bin and Red Bin Analysis is done daily in the Red bin analysis record.
Suspected Parts Handling:
Put yellow bin at PDI & Shop floor area to store Suspected Parts that fall during production/part movement/part inspection. QC and production supervisor jointly check/inspect these suspected parts and the action taken is mentioned below:
Types of Part
OK Parts
Send for PDI
NG Parts
Send for Red Bin
WIP Parts
Handover to Production
Make a summary of all the defects that occurred at the end of the month.
Make a Pareto chart of defects and partwise and take action on top defects. Select all department top defects for analysis.
Check all available stock (FG & WIP) as per lot no. & batch no. for the raised complaint if required. Also inform the customer, in case of outflow to customer.
Make the operators aware of the complaint. Display a one-point lesson (Quality alert note), if possible with a period.
Analyze the root cause of the complaint with a cross-functional team (CFT) and take required countermeasures.
Standardize the related documents like FMEA, Control Plan, Operation Standard & WI etc against the countermeasure.
Check the effectiveness of countermeasures for up to three months.
Check the feasibility of horizontal deployment of countermeasures in similar parts/processes after effectiveness OK.
QPCR raising (DAR) Criteria :
In-house QPCR will be raised by QA under the following conditions:
Top one defects as per the Pareto chart monthly before the 10th of next month
Assignable cause (Rejection of more than 10 pcs) in a day of any part.
QPCR is to be raised to the supplier for receipt rejection, for line-reported and customer-reported defects ( for dimensional & fit function ) and recorded into the Supplier complaint register.
Check all available stock (FG, WIP and Raw Materials) for the raised complaint.
Make the operators aware of the complaint. Display a one-point lesson (Quality alert note), if possible within the period.
Analyze the root cause of the complaint with a cross-functional team (CFT) and take required countermeasures.
Standardize the related document against the countermeasure.
Check the effectiveness of countermeasures for up to three months.
Check the feasibility of horizontal deployment of countermeasures in similar parts/processes.
Handling when an abnormal situation occurs
Do you define clearly what is an abnormal situation and make operators know the definition?
Sub Question
What is the definition of abnormal situations?
Are the abnormal situations displayed on the shop floor?
Check awareness of abnormal situations among the shop floor personnel
Do you clarify and standardize the handling rules/routes for customer claims, in-process failure and supplier failure?
Sub Question
Check the availability of Procedures for handling customer complaints, in-process failures and supplier defects
Criteria for raising QPCR (internal QPCR to be raised in case of daily abnormal rejection and monthly top rejections)
Check for availability of Customer complaint register and QPCR control registers (for in-house and supplier defects)
Do you have criteria to estimate the scope of the suspected lot for abnormal situations? When an abnormal situation occurs, do you trace the suspected lot based on the criteria?
Sub Question
Check criteria to estimate suspected quantity produced during abnormal situations and system to trace suspected lots produced based upon the criteria
Check the record of parts produced during abnormal situations
Check for their Traceability
Prevention of recurrence. -Customer claims -In-process failure -Suppliers failure
Do you prevent the recurrence of issues by analyzing the cause of occurring defects based on process investigation results such as 5-why analysis?
Sub Question
Analysis sheet ( A3/CAPA) for analyzing customer complaints, in-house defects and supplier defects
Monthly in-house rejection analysis (defect-wise Pareto and analysis)