What is the inventory turnover ratio and the number of days inventory

Inventory Turnover Ratio

Inventory Turnover: Inventory turnover is the rate at which a company converts its inventory into sales. It is the number of times a company makes the sale of its inventory in a period. Where inventory is the total of all goods in its stock which includes Raw materials, Bought out parts, Work in progress and … Read more

How to calculate OEE in lean manufacturing?

OEE, Overall Eqipement Effectiveness

What is OEE? OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a term used to measure manufacturing productivity. It is to calculate the percentage of time an equipment is truly productive. OEE is the main KPI of production to check the productivity of an equipment/plant. For calculating the OEE of the plant or multiple machines, we can calculate … Read more

How to define value added activities & non-value added activities?

Value added activities

Categories of all activities: Value-added activities: The process is defined as the conversion of input into output by using resources. But what is important here is Value addition in the process. So those activities which change the shape as per customer requirements & add value are called value-added activities.   For example in the manufacturing … Read more

What is 3G in manufacturing?


Purpose of 3G: In a process occurrence of a problem is normal & so it is equally important to solve the problems effectively & fast. For an effective solution to any problem, it is important to understand the problem & its reason. so 3G is very important here to find out the solution and take … Read more