Purpose of 3G:
In a process occurrence of a problem is normal & so it is equally important to solve the problems effectively & fast. For an effective solution to any problem, it is important to understand the problem & its reason. so 3G is very important here to find out the solution and take action fast. Below are 3G in the manufacturing industry :

- 1G – Gemba – Go to the actual place
- 2G – Genbutsu – See the actual things & facts
- 3G – Genjitsu – Take suitable action
Why 3G is important?
If 3G is not done, the defect and its root cause may not be correctly identified. Countermeasures taken in such a situation will not be effective. This will be made customers dissatisfied and all resources used in countermeasures will be wasted.
The 3G concept is based on three key elements: Gemba, genbutsu, and genjitsu. “Gemba” refers to the place where work is done, “genbutsu” refers to the physical evidence of work processes and results, and “genjitsu” refers to the current state of the work processes and results.
3 Kaizen principles :
The best improvement idea will come by doing Gemba. Gemba walk can also be put as managing by walking around the real problem. This activity takes management to the front line to look for waste and opportunities for practical shop-floor improvement.
“Gemba” is a Japanese term that refers to the actual place where work is done. In the context of 3G management, “Gemba” refers to the production floor or the place where value is added to products or services. It is the place where activities are observed and analyzed in order to identify opportunities for improvement and implement changes to increase efficiency and effectiveness. In 3G management, the focus is on visiting and observing the Gemba in order to gain a deep understanding of the work processes and identify areas for improvement.
It means to see the actual things, facts. Go out and see what is happening on the shop floor. It will help to see the actual fact on the shop floor.
“Genbutsu” is a Japanese term that refers to the “actual thing” or “real thing” in the context of 3G management. In 3G management, genbutsu refers to the physical evidence of work processes and results, such as products, services, and processes. It is the tangible aspect of the work that is being done, and it is important to observe and understand it in order to identify problems and opportunities for improvement. Genbutsu is the real thing that allows managers to understand the real situation of the production floor or the service being provided, and it is an essential element in 3G management.
It means to take appropriate action. The action taken after seeing the actual fact will be realistic & effective.
“Genjitsu” is a Japanese term that means “reality” or “actual situation.” In the context of 3G management, genjitsu refers to the current state of the work processes and results, as well as the problems and issues that are present. It is the actual situation of the production floor or the service being provided, as opposed to the ideal or desired state. In 3G management, it is essential to understand and acknowledge the genjitsu in order to identify areas for improvement and develop effective solutions. It is the actual situation that allows managers to understand the problems and opportunities of the work processes and results, and it is an essential element in 3G management.
3G is a concept that is based on the principles of lean manufacturing. The 3G approach is a management methodology that focuses on continuous improvement and the elimination of waste in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness. The main objective of 3G is to create a culture of continuous improvement within an organization and empower employees to identify and solve problems.
The approach emphasizes visiting and observing the gemba, studying and understanding the genbutsu, and acknowledging the genjitsu in order to identify areas for improvement. By understanding the actual situation, managers can develop effective solutions to problems and opportunities for improvement.
3G management is a hands-on approach that emphasizes the importance of direct observation and analysis of work processes and results. It is a way to achieve a deep understanding of the production floor and the service being provided and to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the work. It also promotes a culture of continuous improvement and empowerment of employees to solve problems, which is one of the main principles of Lean manufacturing.