To establish & maintain a documented procedure that ensures production works under controlled conditions, to meet customer’s requirements.
Applies to all types of products manufactured in the company ( Press shop, weld shop, machine shop, paint shop, assembly shop etc)
The Production Head & supervisors are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.
Production Planning:
- Production Schedules for a month are issued to the In-charge PPC and head Purchase in consultation with the Director/ MD.
- Based on the monthly production schedule, the monthly/weekly production plan issued to all concerned shops as Press Shop, Weld Shop & Assy. Shop considering material availability at various stages of work-in-progress (WIP) to arrive at net requirements.
- Copies of the production plan are issued to In-charge purchase/stores to ensure required raw materials / BOPs are on time
- The Weekly Plan is studied by the Shop in charge & in case of any issue by him then the matter is highlighted to the In-charge PPC and accordingly action to taken.
- A Daily Machine loading plan is prepared and followed based on daily production requirements given by in-charge PPC.
Despatch Planning:
- Dispatch is done as per customer’s requirements in the form of e-nagare/PRTs/ dispatch plans.
- Dispatch plans are sometimes sent to or discussed with customer for their approval.
- Customer feedback to the above is incorporated into the dispatch plan.
- The detail of Ready to ready-to-dispatch part (All shops) is reported to the commercial executive to prepare dispatch documents.
Production Progress Monitoring:
- Daily production reports are generated in all manufacturing shops & submitted to the Head of Production.
- A regular meeting is held during which production for the day is compared with targets. The reasons for shortcomings (if any) are analyzed and corrective action is initiated accordingly.
Manufacturing Process Validation:
- Critical Manufacturing Processes are identified during the APQP process based on customer-specific requirements as well as internal CFT discussions.
- Important Specifications / Control Parameters is freeze through validation of the process.
- Simulation trials are conducted to find optimum ranges based on outcome results. Different category is considered to verify results i.e. productivity, quality and cost.
- After freezing the specification, the same check points to be incorporated in relevant process control standards / OPS and work Instructions.
- Parameter to be revalidated for sustain at a defined frequency. Records are maintained.
Production Process in a small manufacturing company:
- Based on Customer schedules and tele-communication with customers, the Production Head prepares a daily production plan. Based on this net requirement is prepared, which becomes the basis of purchasing raw materials as well.
- In case of any alteration (Due to some emergency requirement) in Daily Production Plan shall be changed accordingly.
- As per the Daily Production Schedule, materials / Parts are issued from the store.
- The production function processes all material as per process flow charts of Different departments / Sections.
- Process parameters are controlled as per customer-approved / In-house approved Control Plans.
- All in-process inspection is carried out by the QC Team / Respective Department Supervisors as per the Control plan.
- After the first lot of production, the QA Inspector takes set-up approval. If QA approves the first lot, the production process is carried out as per the tentative plan.
- After the processing, all material is inspected and packed as per the customer’s requirement
- Detail of Daily Production is filled in the Daily Production Reports and Today Production Summary sheet and analyzed OEE daily.
- Quality tests are get done in-house and PDI reports are made.
- Finish products are stacked in Dispatch / Designated Areas.
- Identification and traceability is maintained as per the relevant procedure.
- At the end of the month total production & total rejection reports to be prepared. The same is discussed during MRM and necessary corrective action is initiated. To improve the performance.
Production Report Format: