Continual improvement process a mandatory requirement for IATF 16949


This process is applicable to establish and maintain a system for continual improvement of the Quality Management System (Product/Process/Documented System) and its effective implementation throughout the organization.

Process Owner:

Management Representative

Process Description for Continual Improvement:

Identification of improvement opportunities:

This is done in a variety of ways as under

  • Fixing of quality objectives.
  • Study of known product and process non-conformities.
  • Customer complaints.
  • Internal audit results.
  • Analysis of collected data
  • Suggestions by employees
  • Brainstorming
  • Manufacturing process improvement

Quality objectives:

Management review committees fix targets for specific periods considering processes, products, activities or departments. Wherever considered necessary Management fixes fresh quality objectives for continual improvement.

Tasks are allocated to teams or individuals to achieve these objectives. The personnel allocated the task and made action plans to meet these targets. The Top Management/Plant head approves these action plans. After approval, appropriate resources are allocated to implement the action plans. Progress of achievement is discussed in the MRM.

Internal audits:

Identification of weaknesses found during the internal audit and root cause is analyzed. Then corrective actions is taken on the root cause.

Study of non-conformities:

From time to time the non-conformities observed during operations are studied by QA and significant ones are short-listed for further improvement.

Customer complaints:

Customer complaints give a good indication of the company’s weaknesses. They are analyzed from time to time to determine weak areas.

Analysis of data:

All data of the company particularly about product non-conformities, customer complaints, late deliveries etc are analyzed periodically to determine weak spots.

Study of literature:

All literature relevant to the company is studied. This may include technical journals, trade newsletters or other sources. Any problems faced by similar industries or organizations are taken into notice to identify opportunities for improvement for continual improvement.

Suggestions by employees:

All employees are encouraged to give suggestions for improvement in their work areas. These suggestions are made in suggestion form and dropped in the available suggestion box. These suggestions are forwarded to the MR for review. MR considers these suggestions. If found practical and acceptable, these suggestions are implemented after seeking the approval of the competent authority.

If required MR may appoint a committee to examine the suggestion. A summary of all suggestions is put up at the MRM.


During Management review meetings (MRM) or in other meetings, members discuss to identify opportunities for improvement for continual improvement.

Manufacturing process improvement:

While undertaking manufacturing process improvement, it is ensured that the focus remains on reducing variations in process and product characteristics.

Corrective actions:

Whenever a system weakness or high incident of product non-conformities comes to notice, corrective actions are taken to prevent the recurrence of known non-conformities and problem areas.

Preventive actions:

Preventive actions are taken to prevent the occurrence of potential non-conformities and problem areas.

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