How to solve problems by PDCA in the automotive industry?

PDCA Cycle

It is a cycle of continuous improvement. The meaning of PDCA is Plan, Do, Check & Act. PDCA cycle is also known as the Deming Cycle.

What are the steps of the PDCA Cycle?

1. PLAN  

2. DO  

3. CHECK  

4. ACT  



Image from Pixabay  

Identify the Problem :

  • Identify the problem that needs to be solved
  • Make a problem statement to define the problem
  • Make SMART goals ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time-bound)
  • Identify the Team.

Analyze the Problem:

  • Check the process flow of the complete process or system.
  • Do brainstorming for the possible causes.
  • Analyze data to validate the root cause.
  • Revise the problem statement if required.

Tools used for the Plan step :

DO :


Image from Pixabay  

Develop Solutions:

  • Do that activity or experiment
  • Do design of experiment (DOE)
  • Discuss with the team for a solution to get the right solution.

Implement the solution :

  • Implement the solution on a trial basis.

Tools used for DO steps :

  • Cross-Functional Team (CFT)
  • Design of Experiment (DOE)
  • Provide training about the work 


PDCA (Check)

Image from Pixabay    

Verify the results:

  • Analyze the result of the solution
  • Validate the result

Achieve the required Goal :

  • If the goal has been achieved, then go to ACT
  • If the goal is not achieved, go to PLAN, and revise the problem/actions.

Tools used for CHECK steps:


PDCA (Act)

Image from Pixabay    

Implement the Solution :

  • Identify the systematic changes.
  • Training needs identification (TNI)
  • Plan continuous monitoring of the solution.
  • Do Kaizen in the process.

Tools used for ACT steps:

  • Standardization of work & process
  • Do Poka Yoke
  • Process Mapping
  • Provide regular training

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