PDCA Cycle
It is a cycle of continuous improvement. The meaning of PDCA is Plan, Do, Check & Act. PDCA cycle is also known as the Deming Cycle.
What are the steps of the PDCA Cycle?
2. DO
4. ACT

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Identify the Problem :
- Identify the problem that needs to be solved
- Make a problem statement to define the problem
- Make SMART goals ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time-bound)
- Identify the Team.
Analyze the Problem:
- Check the process flow of the complete process or system.
- Do brainstorming for the possible causes.
- Analyze data to validate the root cause.
- Revise the problem statement if required.
Tools used for the Plan step :
DO :

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Develop Solutions:
- Do that activity or experiment
- Do design of experiment (DOE)
- Discuss with the team for a solution to get the right solution.
Implement the solution :
- Implement the solution on a trial basis.
Tools used for DO steps :
- Cross-Functional Team (CFT)
- Design of Experiment (DOE)
- Provide training about the work

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Verify the results:
- Analyze the result of the solution
- Validate the result
Achieve the required Goal :
- If the goal has been achieved, then go to ACT
- If the goal is not achieved, go to PLAN, and revise the problem/actions.
Tools used for CHECK steps:

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Implement the Solution :
- Identify the systematic changes.
- Training needs identification (TNI)
- Plan continuous monitoring of the solution.
- Do Kaizen in the process.
Tools used for ACT steps:
- Standardization of work & process
- Do Poka Yoke
- Process Mapping
- Provide regular training